Original price was: € 45,08.Current price is: € 25,00.

LIMITED EDITION set za njegu kože lica namjenjen svim tipovima kože koji sadrži 3 Moja Oaza i Luxea proizvoda. Sadržaj Mystery box seta je iznenađenje i sazna se tek kada se dobije paket.

Out of stock


Puna vrijednost pojedinačnih proizvoda u setu je veća od vrijednosti koja se plaća za Mystery box, odnosno njegovom kupovinom štedite -45%. Proizvodi u setu namjenjeni su svima, za svakodnevnu njegu kože lica, za sve tipove kože, a sadrže kombinaciju od 3 Moja Oaza i Luxea proizvoda.

Mystery box je Limited edition set i dostupan je za kupovinu samo u periodu od 01.-28.02.2025. ili do isteka zaliha.


Koristiti prema uputama navedenim na pakiranju pojedinačnih proizvoda u setu.

Navedeni na pakiranju pojedinačnih proizvoda u setu.
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Payment and delivery

Payment for the purchase on the web shop is possible by bank card. Packages are delivered by courier service.

The package arrives within 5-7 working days at the requested address (home, work, etc.).

Delivery: Delivery to the requested address with the option of prior SMS notification of the delivery time with the contact number of the courier.

You can make a purchase as a guest or register, which brings you benefits such as collecting points for each purchase, which can then be used for discounts.
More details on collecting points check Loyalty program.

With each web shop purchase in the package, we also send you a few free testers that are currently available.